I'm not a professional blogger (OK, stop laughing, of course you could tell) or software developer but I do enjoy contributing to the internet community through various projects (Xinha Here for example) and the occasional bug fix. However, this type of work does take a lot of time and nearly amounts to having a part-time job. In addition, hosting and costs real world money. So here are a few things you can do to encourage me to keep up all this work:
- Visit often. The more repeat visitors I see on my stats the more I know I'm doing something right.
- If you like what you see here tell your friends. I know most people are not going to be interested in what goes on here at hypercubed blog but tell them about Xinha Here or some of my other projects.
- Link to a post you've enjoyed or that was useful to you.
- Add to your blog roll.
- Post a useful or encouraging comment on a blog post or my forum.
- Send me some encouraging feedback.
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