• Derek Yu - Tutorial on creating Pixel art.  I'm always amazed by art tutorials.  They make it sound so easy. Will it's not for me.
  • DHTML Lemmings - Play the original lemmings game in your browser.  Written in DHTML not flash.
  • guimp - The worlds smallest web page.  Click on the water drop to browse this website.  Yes, it is actually a full website with news, blog, links, and even a few mini games.
  • NationMaster.com - Where Stats Come Alive! -  Ever needed to know the religious makeup of a particular country?  How about the number of Internet users? Well here is "a massive central data source and a handy way to graphically compare nations."
  • Solitaire Game Gets NYC Worker Fired - Yahoo! News - I think we need to be careful what we do during our breaks.  If one minute of solitaire can get you fired we should instead stand at the water cooler for half an hour and spread gossip like the pre-computer days.
  • SPEED - I don't know if I mentioned this before but my reading speed is embarrassing.  I took a speed reading course my first year in college but it didn't help much.  The speed reading technique revolves around reducing verbalization.  Basically stop reading the words in your head and take in the entire sentence at once.  I could never do it and still have any recall of what I read. This site will help you try.
  • TypeNow.net Themed Fonts Download Free Movie and Music Fonts -TV/Movie related fonts.  I've always wanted to write my resume in the Blade runner font.
  • YouTube - Computer-generated animation of water - An ultra realistic rendered movie of water pouring into a glass.  Hardly distinguishable from reality.
  • Zillow.com - This is very awesome.  It is basically google maps with home values superimposed.  Check the value of homes in your neighborhood... in case you were not already positive that you could never afford one.
* Disclosure: The links presented here are links I recorded during my web surfing sessions. Often times these links were found on other sites and are presented here without credit. Those sites include, but are not limited to, digg.com, Slashdot, Drudge Report, and BoingBoing. *