• CodeFromThe70s.org - Watch the sun rise on your desktop.  This is a very cool background image of the earth complete with the current shadow and clouds.  You can set the image to update every 15 mins or so.
  • Current TV // Google Current // Darth Tater - I read boingboing.com very often.  Mostly at night but sometimes during my lunch breaks at work... well not anymore.  Boing Boing has been block at my work.  It appears that DumbSmartFilter has labeled boingboing.com a site containing nudity.  This is a Google Current video newscast on what some call the erroneous blockage of boingboing.com.
  • FORTUNE: Trapped in cubicles - March 20, 2006 - Article on the "insanity" of cubicals.  I don't know.  As a cubical dweller myself I sometimes feel the frustration but isn't the alternative worse?
  • heraldsun.com: Food Fight: Scientists take on soda... - I love soda!  And up to a few weeks ago I drank a lot of soda.  And by a lot I mean way too much.  Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a few refreshers in between.  Well, I've now given it all up.  I wish I can say "I never felt better" but that would be a lie.  I feel the same with less pep... but I know in the long run it is for the best.
  • learn.arc.nasa.gov - NLT - NASA Learning Technologies - A NASA site with various learning tools.  Check out World Wind if nothing else.
  • Ricardo Galli, de software libre - WP-Cache 2.0 - I was happy to see that version 2.0 of WP included a caching mechanism.  However, what the built in caching mechanism does is cache the SQL calls to the database... a good first step.  This WP plugin takes it on step further and caches entire pages.  With this your wordpress site can be nearly efficient as a static site.  Plus it gives a lot more control then the built in system.
  • Welcome to Flow in Games - Little flash game where you control a simple organism eating up floating microbes.  The more you eat the more you evolve.  Swim deeper to find more exotic "food". Seams a lot like the beginning of spore.
  • Wired 14.03: START - List of some very beneficial accidental discoveries.
  • WordPress Development Blog - 2.0.2 Security Release - Update to WordPress 2.0.2 to avoid some security issues.
* Disclosure: The links presented here are links I recorded during my web surfing sessions. Often times these links were found on other sites and are presented here without credit. Those sites include, but are not limited to, digg.com, Slashdot, Drudge Report, and BoingBoing. *