• There IS a problem with global warming... it stopped in 1998 - I think I've mentioned this before but for those that are not aware. Global warming is political hog-wash. Global warming itself may exist but it is all part of the earths natural temperature cycles and according to this article the global warming trend of the 1990 ended in 1998. Don't get me wrong here.. we should all be good stewards of the earth. Just because having a messing living room doesn't cause asthma doesn't mean we should throw trash around. Just be intelligent about it and quit this political cock fight.
  • National Kite Month: Kites, kite flying and fun! - This is really usefully with summer coming.
  • 24 Hour Forecast of Aftershock Hazard - Before you head on out to fly that kite better check the chance of thunderstorms and while your at it go here to check the probability of an earthquake.
  • BBC - Radio 4 - 5 Numbers - Index - 0, π, φ, i, ∞ are a few of my favorite numbers.
  • Illegal prime - Pediatric, the free encyclopedia - What if your favorite number was illegal? Well, it is illegal to print, copy, and transfer some algorithms (A DVD decrypter for example). And every algorithm can be expressed in binary. And every binary expression is essentially a number.  Is that number illegal? By strict reading of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act it is. What if this number has a scientific meaning, for example, what if it also happened to be the average number of bacteria in a human body. Or how about if it was the meaning of life, the universe, and everything?
  • Geek to Live: Take great notes - Lifehacker - Need to take notes at a class or meeting? Here are some note taking tips. I especially like the links to printable note paper. I'll never pay for a Franklin planner refill again.
  • Issue 11 | Free Software Magazine - I like free software, who doesn't? I make free software, I use free software, I write about free software. Here is issue 11 of Free Software Magazine, which, I'm glad to see, is free.
  • McDonald's Video game - Get it while its good. This is an online game "McDonald's Video Game". It should actually be called "Sim Burger". You are the executive of a fast food chain and you need to make all the decisions from raising cattle to marketing.
  • Polyphasic Sleep: The Return to Monophasic - I've heard about polyphasic sleep and thought about doing it myself. Unfortunately while you change to sleeping 4 hours a day in 30 minute bursts the rest of the world continues on and you get left behind. I guess I'll wait for the horrible day when we all live in artificially lit bio-domes to protect ourselves from global warming.
  • The Trademark Blog: STARBUCKS DOUBLESHOT v. DOUBLESHOT COFFEE - I'm surprised I haven't hear anything about this. I came a cross this website by accident discussing how Starbucks (makers of the "Starbucks Doubleshot" are suing the Doubleshot Coffee Company for trademark infringement. Can it really be infringement if the trademarked word is a common word in the industry. Oh, by the way Hypercubed Blog has just trademarked the word Blog.
  • YouTube - 2006 Doublemint "Town Square" - Ok, for some strange reason I love these Doublemint twins "not gum" commercials. I'm saving a couple on my DVR because I just like them that much.
* Disclosure: The links presented here are links I recorded during my web surfing sessions. Often times these links were found on other sites and are presented here without credit. Those sites include, but are not limited to, digg.com, Slashdot, Drudge Report, and BoingBoing. *