Links of the Week (Week #38)
Finally an on-time "links of the week".
- 'Cocaine' drink claims to be real thing | the Daily Mail - Ok they named their soda Cocaine. Big deal. At least it doesn't contain cocaine as a certain other beverage did up to 1906. [via]
- AnnoyingCoworker - Let your coworker know about their annoying habits! - Have an annoying coworker? One of those guys that walks over from his cube to tell you he just sent you an e-mail? Or how about the guy who's laugh can make your stomach turn from a 50 cubicles away. Let them know via anonymous e-mail. [via]
- Why windows takes so long to start up. - Windows has a feature called prefetcher that automatically loads, at bootup, portions of programs that you use often. This means that your applications launch faster but your bootup is slower. Personally I prefer a slow bootup to a slow app launch but if you wish to disable it this link will help. [via]
- Neatorama - Blog Archive - 10 Scientific Frauds that Rocked the World. - We have all heard about the British moths light/dark ratio changing as the trees darkened due to pollution in the mid-1800. Well, unfortunately the scientific observations in support of this micro-evolution are questionable. We all better remove this from our pro-evolution tool-box or else we can fall victim to the common intelligent design fallacy: "if one part of science is wrong therefore it is all wrong and we are right". [via]
- Anatomy Dissections - Not for the squeamish but here are 27 videos of human dissection. [via Pharyngula]
- Retrieve Serial Numbers or CD Keys from your computer � Raymond.CC Blog - Ever had to search all over the place for a CD jacket with a product key on it? I have. Use this application and printout your CD-keys. Keep it in a safe place. [via]
- sizeasy - your size comparison website - Ever been reading about a product and trying to figure out exactly how big is 4.92" x 2.83" x 0.75". This site will help you compare it to common household products. [via]
- YouTube - Japanese pen spinning - What can I say... awesome. Do they teach classes in pen spinning at the local CC? [via]
- YouTube - Invisible Skating - Ok so it is just some guys skateboarding... wait... there are no skateboards. [via]
- YouTube - Korean archery - challenge the impossible - Ok, better then pen spinning I want to be able to do this. [via]