Links of the Week - June 28, 2009
- Idiocracy
- Weekend Diversion Part 2: Why Did The Boy Throw His Computer Out The Window | Just Another Mobile Monday
- The Dangers of Pac-Man Joining Twitter
- Comic for June 26, 2009
- Super close-up zoom into a tooth
- An Amusing Brainteaser
- Physics discussion ends in skateboard attack
- Google City Tours Builds Itineraries for Multi-Day Trips [Travel]
- Sidewalk Fail
- 5 Geeky Ways To Ask Someone To Marry You On The Internet
- IE8: O.M.G.I.G.P.
- My Ass and Yours
- Flickr Photo Download: keep being awesome!
- Uncomfortable Compliments
- Haven’t Been Smited Yet
- Comic for June 18, 2009
- Bozeman, MT Ditches Username, Password Requests