Links of the Week - July 26, 2009
- Hidden History Lesson
- Catching satellites on ham radio
- How To: HDR Photography Basics (Part 1)
- Thursday Morning Humor: Samurai on the Toilet
- Cat Ladies, A Documentary That Explores The Real Story Behind Crazy Cat Ladies
- Video: Girl happily hula-hoops to a happy Geggy Tah track. - Boing Boing
- Threesome
- Fast Food Mafia by ~silentsketcher on deviantART
- APOKALIPS - Prove You're Human
- The Cost Efficiency of Transportation
- Friday Morning Humor: If Spammers Wrote Cialis Ads
- How To Protect Sensitive Information by Erasing Your Hard Disk Completely
- Harry Potter fangirl's hilarious interviews with Ron and Harry - ENTHUSIASM