Links of the Week - August 23, 2009
- Tech Support Cheat Sheet
- YouTube - "I'm Fat and Nobody Likes Me"- Chair
- How things are(n't) made
- Dr. Michio Kaku: From Universe to Multiverse
- How Comfortable My Bed Is
- Winkers Jeans, Make Your Butt Wink When You Walk
- Best Top Ten List EVER
- Public Speaker Fail
- Crooked Lombard Street In San Francisco Turned Into Life-Size Version of Candyland Game
- Dramatic Reenactment
- Choose Your Own Adventure – Most Likely You’ll Die | FlowingData
- Sprint executive killed when boulder drops on his car.
- Do you eat the moldy stuff?
- Long exposure + street light + bugs
- Attractiveness of Speedo vs. Age
- Understanding Automatic Door Fail