Xinha Here! v0.16
Every Firefox extension is required to list which versions of Firefox it is compatible with. When a new Firefox version is released extension authors need to check their extensions for compatibility. For many extensions, including Xinha Here! the only thing that needs to be changed to update the compatibility list. It is very simple to do. I've updated Xinha Here!'s compatibility lists for Firefox 3.6 and and posted it to my website. This version adds Firefox 3.6 compatibility... nothing else. I've also uploaded this version to the official Firefox add-on website. For some reason, even though the change was insignificant, this new version needs to go through the add-on review process and be reviewed by a live person. Every time I submit a new version it takes an extremely long time for it to get reviewed even though the Xinha Here! extension is widely used. I find the whole process annoying and unproductive.