I was doing a little vanity googling this evening and I found something pretty humorous.  I wound up at some guys website that has developed a J2ME implementation of Tetris.  Take a look at his license agreement.  Second to last sentence of the first paragraph reads "Jayson Harshbarger retains title to and ownership in the copyright of the software program and the associated materials.".  Wow, that is so nice.  I've never met the guy be he has grated me title and ownership to his software!  I sent him a short email requesting that he deliver all the software to me via FedEx.

Of course this is a mistake.  He apparently usurped my Freeware License Agreement and forgot to remove some of appearances of my name and website.  The irony is that he is using my freeware license agreement to assert his copyright over his software while failing to recognize that my license agreement itself is my copy written work as clearly stated on my website.  What to do?  Well, if I was the recording industry or the motion picture industry I was sue the living hell out of him.  But being the mild mannered netizen I simple sent a short e-mail:


I was searching the web this evening when I stumbled upon your program Fremtris at http://krzak.linux.net.pl/f/html/ .  What is interesting is it appears that I, Jayson Harshbarger, retain the copyright to all your software.  From your website at http://hakore.com/f/html/freeware.html:

"Jayson Harshbarger retains title to and ownership in the copyright of the software program and the associated materials."
Thank you for grating me the copyright and ownership to all your software.  Please deliver all software to me via FedEx... 
I'm joking of course but I'd like to mention that the license itself is copyrighted as it is stated on my page: http://www.hypercubed.com/projects/freeware_license.php.   It is considered impolite to take somebody else's work without permission.  In any event I think you might want to remove all references to my name and the the Hypercubed website.
Jayson Harshbarger