Link Dump (#1, 2007)
Welcome to the all new Link Dump from Hypercubed. This randomly periodic postings will highlight interesting links I discovered while on one of my many Internet addiction binges. Posting won't be weekly.. I'll dump just enough to avoid impaction. Enjoy.
- The Simpsonzu by *spacecoyote on deviantART - What if the Simpsons were draw as anime characters? [via]
- Futurama: Super Happy Fun Show by *spacecoyote on deviantART - Or how about Futurama characters? [via]
- Unnecessary Censorship - I often wonder about the effectively of bleeping profanity on TV. I remember even as a young kid I could mentally fill in the missing curse word. As this link shows sometimes the word you fill in is worse the original. [via]
- Howstuffworks "How Hangovers Work" - I thought everyone knew that hang-overs were dehydration. After drinking water is your best friend and the porcelain god is your worse enemy. [via]
- Sayings and Phrases - meanings and origins - Ever wonder about the origin of Head over heels and Shake a leg? Well now you know.[via]
- Friday the 13th, 2029 - On April 13, 2029 an asteroid will fly past earth at ~19,000 miles above ground. That sounds like a nice safe distance but realize that the XM and Sirius radio satellites are at ~22,000 miles and the moon is ~240,000 miles above the earth. Sounds like a close shave to me. [via]
- Windows screwup forces Ubuntu shift - I love MS products! I just hate their OS licensing scheme. This day and age you can but computers for 2 - 3 hundred dollars. Why would you want to pay nearly that much for the operating system? Plus you need to by a new licence for every machine in your home. Buy a new computer and you need to buy a new OS. The one you installed on the old computer is useless. Many people are just giving up on windows altogether! I hope MS realizes that they need to give us a reasonable system or we are leaving. [via]
- RubyTooth - Submachine 1: The Basement - Short little puzzle game. Reminds me of the old Apple IIe games. [via]
- Bizarre Boiling - Ever wonder what water boiling looks like in microgravity? Me neither but here you go. [via]
- WeddingDepot's Nonresponsive, Passive Aggressive, Customer Service - Consumerist - This article details an exchange between a customer and a customer assistants rep from the website The article implies that the WeddingDepot customer service rep is in the wrong. I don't know... the customer service rep sounds reasonable to me. The customer on the other hand sounds off. Anyone that believes that customer is always right crap is full of it. [via]
- Techcrunch - Blog Archive - Thank You, Akismet - Akismet is a life saver. It has caught 31,792 spam messages on my site. Can you image deleting them by hand? [via]
- Play 3rd World Farmer Game Online - Arcade Town .com - I assume that this game has an agenda to show how difficult it is to get out of poverty in the 3rd world. But when I played it after a few turns I was doing pretty well. After 24 turns I had built a school, roads, a medical clinic, and even political representative. Based on this I think I'm going to cancel my sponsor a child donations. [via]